Intel 82557 Ethernet Driver Download

signature = '$Windows NT$'
Class = NetTrans
ClassGUID = {4D36E975-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
provider = %V_Intel%
CatalogFile =
DriverVer = 04/14/2000,
%iVLAN.DeviceDesc%= iVLAN.ndi, 'iVLANProtocol'
; iVLAN.ndi
AddReg = iVLAN.ndi.AddReg
Characteristics = 0x00
;;; CopyFiles = iVLAN.CopyFiles.Sys, iVLAN.CopyFiles.Init
; iVLAN Install, register the notify object dll with registry
HKR, Ndi, ClsID, 0, '{C9718691-3495-11D3-883A-0004AC066F24}';
HKR, Ndi, ComponentDll, 0, 'PRONtObj.dll'
HKR, Ndi', HelpText, , %iVLAN_HELP%
HKR, Ndi', Service, ,'iVLANProtocol'
HKR, NdiInterfaces, UpperRange, , 'tdi'
HKR, NdiInterfaces, LowerRange, , 'ndis4,ndis5,ndisatm,ndiswanip,ndis5_ip'
;;;; HKR, 'NdiInterfaces', 'MiniportId', , 'INTEL_IVLAN'
AddService = iVLANProtocol, 0, Install.AddService.iVLANProtocol, NetEventLog
DisplayName = %iVLAN.DeviceDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%iVLANw2k.sys
LoadOrderGroup = PNP_TDI
AddReg = iVLANP.AddService.AddReg
Description = %iVLAN.DeviceDesc%
; [Event Log] sections.
AddReg = NetEventLog.AddReg

Free Ethernet Driver Download

Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI. Best Free Driver Software for Windows. Clicking on the Download Now. Provides links to download Intel® PRO/100 Network Adapter software and drivers. Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI. Best Free Driver Software for Windows. Clicking on the Download Now.

Model:PRO/100(82557/82558/82559) Ethernet 4.1.3
Category:Net Card
OS:Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
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82557Intel 82557 Ethernet Driver Download

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We advise you to periodically check the status of your drivers to make sure that the most up-to-date versions are installed. It is especially important for devices located on the motherboard. Since these devices are critical components of your system, installing the latest drivers for them is vital for the proper operation of your computer.

Should you have any questions regarding the installation of a driver you downloaded from our site, please read the instruction that came with it. If it doesn’t help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our support service will be glad to help.

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File name:100pdisk1.exeFile size:4.23 MB (4 434 346 bytes)
Downloads:5887Uploaded:February 28th, 2010, 09:18PM UTC
Download PRO/100(82557/82558/82559) Ethernet 4.1.3 driver

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Network Adapter Driver Windows 10

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